About the Ford Foundation

We believe in the inherent dignity of all people. But around the world, too many people are excluded from the political, economic, and social institutions that shape their lives.
Across eight decades, our mission has sought to reduce poverty and injustice, strengthen democratic values, promote international cooperation, and advance human achievement.
Learn more about our mission, our values and culture, and how we approach our work.
The Ford Foundation is not connected to the Ford Motor Company. The Ford Foundation and Ford Motor Company are two separate and legally unrelated entities whose operations are completely independent and have been for more than 50 years. There is not any financial authority, decision making nor funding relationship between the two organizations.

Our history
Over the past 80 years we have invested in innovative ideas, visionary individuals, and frontline institutions advancing human dignity around the world. Our social justice mission and vision have guided us through transformations in the foundation, the communities we serve, and the world at large.
Explore our legacy of social justice
Learn about our origins
Learn about our commitment to Detroit

Our leadership
The foundation is governed by a distinguished and diverse Board of Trustees, which includes our president. Our grant making is led by directors and regional representatives with expertise in their fields and a profound commitment to social change.
How our endowment works
Learn what makes us different from public charities, where our original endowment came from, and how—through careful stewardship of our assets—we will be able to keep our mission alive for years to come.

Governance policies and financial statements
We believe in transparency—both within the foundation and in philanthropy at large—and have made available extensive information about our governance, operations, and finances.
Our operations are guided by a set of policies relating to grant making, geographic focus, spending, investment, management, governance, and professional standards.
In all our investments and budgeting, our highest priority is making sure that our grantees have the resources they need to address today’s most pressing challenges.

Good Neighbor Committee
Since 1996, the foundation’s Good Neighbor Committee has supported organizations and activities near our headquarters, in the Midtown Manhattan area of New York, that contribute to the neighborhood’s civic spirit and vitality. The committee’s work strengthens our ties to our immediate neighbors and connects us to local organizations working on problems related to our mission.
This program has been so successful that some of our regional offices in Asia, Africa, and Latin America have formed their own Good Neighbor Committees.