Exhibition opening: Radical Love

Please join us for the opening of Radical Love – curated by Jaishri Abichandani and Natasha Becker.
The works in Radical Love are based in the ideas of devotion, adoration, abundance, and beauty, where the marginalized bodies of queer, black, brown, disabled communities are celebrated, adorned, and revered. The artists in Radical Love present love for community and self-love which inspires revolution and protest, love for the natural world and our inextricable link and responsibility to care for mother earth, love of mother and child, devotion as scripted by religion and subverted by artists.
At this opening event, you’ll have the opportunity to explore the show. If you are unable to make the opening, the gallery is free and open to the public, Monday through Saturday, 11am – 6pm.
Ford Foundation Gallery
320 E 43rd St, New York, NY 10017
Visitor info
The event is free and open to the public, but we ask that you please RSVP.