Listening as an Act of Love / Dispatches from the Future with vanessa german

vanessa german will host a listening event where audience members are invited to share with vanessa their feelings of constipated rage, speak of their grief, or seek dispatches from the future. Vanessa will then craft/freestyle/channel a poem of seeing, ease, and power utilizing ingredients mined from her listening to create sessions of collective healing and future visioning. Event registrants many choose to attend and witness the event or request a time slot to speak with vanessa. This will be the first of three monthly events with vanessa.
About vanessa german
vanessa german is a citizen artist creating sculpture, performance, immersive installation and photography, that center the earthling’s experience with loving, connection, intimacy, vulnerability and creative power, as definitive Human Technologies. German’s work centers the insistence of heart, Soul, and, loving, as critical engines of shape-shifting and future-making in the dynamic ecosystems of body and community.
Ford Foundation Gallery
320 E 43rd St, New York, NY 10017
Visitor info