Since 1963, the Ford Foundation has a rich history of commitment to ensuring the independence of East Africa’s democratic institutions. This includes our support for civil servants and technical experts who helped establish an independent Kenya, supporting the growth of the educational sector, and the work of the Kenyan government and of its diverse civil society. We retain an ongoing commitment to supporting work in support of Kenya’s development and Kenya’s leadership on an African and global stage, exemplified by our support for the inaugural African Climate Summit held in 2023 in Nairobi and Kenya’s current leadership as co-chair of the Open Government Partnership.

While we acknowledge the right of Kenyans to peacefully advocate for a just and equitable country, we repudiate any actions or speech that are hateful or advocate violence against any institution, individual, or community. We did not fund or sponsor the recent protests against the finance bill and have a strictly non-partisan policy for all of our grantmaking. 

As we noted during the Kenyan state visit to the United States this past May, we are committed to building on the legacy of the Ford Foundation’s more than 60 years in the region so that Kenyans can unlock opportunities that extend to all.

The Ford Foundation

The Ford Foundation is an independent organization working to address inequality and build a future grounded in justice. For more than 85 years, it has supported visionaries on the frontlines of social change worldwide, guided by its mission to strengthen democratic values, reduce poverty and injustice, promote international cooperation, and advance human achievement. Today, with an endowment of $16 billion, the foundation has headquarters in New York and 10 regional offices across Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East.

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