Today the U.S. National Advisory Board on Impact Investing (NAB) named Darren Walker, President of the Ford Foundation, as the new Chair, joining the leadership team that includes Matt Bannick, Managing Partner at Omidyar Network, and Tracy Palandjian, CEO of Social Finance US.

The NAB aims to catalyze the development of the impact investment market. “As a society we are facing enormous challenges and through impact investing we can create sustainable, scalable solutions for the public good. Impact investing is a win-win, generating beneficial social or environmental impacts alongside financial returns, “said Walker. “I am honored to take up this position at such an exciting time for impact investing and the NAB.”

“We’ve only begun to see where impact investing can take us,” said Matt Bannick. “Darren has been a valuable member of the NAB since its founding, and we’re excited to bring him into this leadership role as we work together to realize the potential of impact investing in our ability to address entrenched social issues.”

In June 2014, the NAB released its first report, Private Capital, Public Good: How Smart Federal Policy Can Galvanize Impact Investing — and Why It’s Urgent, underscoring the vital role of smart US policy for impact investing to reach massive scale. Presented at the White House and to members of Congress, the report highlights strategies for how the government can partner with impact investors to unleash new capital, talent, and energy for social, economic, and environmental good. Specific recommendations include removing regulatory barriers to unlock private impact investment, increasing the effectiveness of government programs, providing incentives for new private impact investment, supporting innovative impact enterprises and investment opportunities, and improving metrics and data access.

With Darren as Chair, the NAB will continue to shape policy, to evolve alongside the challenges and opportunities of the impact investing sector, and to guide the impact investing community towards a collaborative and successful future.

“We need all sectors working together. Darren brings an incredible enthusiasm for collaboration and a depth of experience in bringing new and innovative solutions to seemingly intractable challenges,” said Tracy Palandjian. “We could not be more excited to have Darren in this important role shaping the future of the industry.”

More Information

The U.S. National Advisory Board (NAB) to the Global Social Impact Investment Taskforce aims to catalyze the development of the impact investment market. It was established following the June 2013 G8 Social Impact Investment Forum in London. The NAB was formed to focus on the U.S. domestic policy agenda. The NAB is comprised of 27 thought leaders, including private investors, entrepreneurs, foundations, academics, impact-oriented organizations, nonprofits, and intermediaries.

The Ford Foundation

The Ford Foundation is an independent organization working to address inequality and build a future grounded in justice. For more than 85 years, it has supported visionaries on the frontlines of social change worldwide, guided by its mission to strengthen democratic values, reduce poverty and injustice, promote international cooperation, and advance human achievement. Today, with an endowment of $16 billion, the foundation has headquarters in New York and 10 regional offices across Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East.

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