Every generation must confront defining moments. In America, we are facing one today. A series of senseless killings—compounded by deep anxiety and divisive rhetoric—have sent us reeling, and struggling to see a way forward.
Fear, anger, despair: Certainly, I have felt these things myself. But as I have written elsewhere, I also see reasons for hope. That’s why I’m proud to stand with dozens of my colleagues in philanthropy as signatories on a campaign you’ll find in leading newspapers this weekend (you can also see it below). We draw hope from a history of progress—the countless times when Americans have worked together to realize more dignity, justice, and equality in this country and the world.
As foundation presidents, we are inspired by the courageous organizations we support, who are working every day to push past despair and create change. In these uncertain times (and the ones that preceded them), these organizations build bridges, break down barriers, seize opportunities, and chart new paths. Their work doesn’t always make headlines, but it never stops.
These organizations are my reason for hope. What gives you hope? Tell us on Twitter at #ReasonsForHope, and visit our partners online to see even more reasons.