Building the Alaska Highway
On November 20, 1942, on a remote vista in Yukon Territory, several hundred men braved the bitter cold to mark the end of an ordeal that few people thought possible: the completion of the Alaska Highway, one of the boldest U.S. homeland security initiatives ever undertaken.
California and the American Dream
Exploring the dynamics of culture, community, and identity in one of the most diverse regions in the world.
Fidel Castro
Ruthless dictator or champion of social justice? Adriana Bosch’s film offers an intimate and revealing portrait of the man who led Cuba for almost half a century.
Off to War
In April 2004, filmmakers Brent and Craig Renaud arrived in Iraq during one of the bloodiest months of the conflict to date. Their film tells the story of the war through scenes of full-scale combat, a soldier’s funeral, the birth of a first child, and the heartbreaking return home of a critically injured soldier.
Soul of Justice: Thelton Henderson’s American Journey
The unforgettable story of one man’s commitment to integrity and human rights, and his profound influence on the American judicial system.
State of Fear
Based on the groundbreaking revelations of the Peruvian Truth and Reconciliation Commission, this cautionary tale for all nations dramatizes the costs of embarking on a “war against terror,” which is all too easy to exploit for political ends.
The Education of Shelby Knox
Texas teenager Shelby Knox joins a youth group campaigning for better sex education in Lubbock high schools and begins to question her conservative upbringing. When the campaign broadens to include a fight for a gay-straight alliance, Shelby must confront her family and a local youth pastor.
The Massie Affair
Late in the summer of 1931, Thalia Fortescue Massie, whose husband was a lieutenant in the Navy, accused five Asian men of gang rape. Evidence proved they did not commit the crime, but the men were attacked and brutally beaten by American servicemen. This film examines the facts of the crimes and their legacy.
This film tells the life story of Native American poet, musician, and activist John Trudell–and his heartfelt message of personal responsibility to the earth and all its inhabitants.