Creativity and Free Expression

The stories we tell, and the art we create, help us understand our world and make connections to others. Yet the stories we hear the most still disproportionately favor and represent a select few. By lifting up underrepresented or unheard voices, we can strengthen understandings of human complexity. We can push back against narratives that undermine fairness. And we can disrupt inequality.
Our work explores how cultural narratives affect and shape our reality, and how the arts, journalism, and film can contribute to fairer and more just societies. We are committed to strengthening diverse networks of cultural producers and decision makers. We seek to illuminate the root causes of injustice.
Across our work we prioritize support to artist-driven projects and organizations that include deep and meaningful engagement with communities.
What we don’t fund
We know nonprofit staff’s time is valuable, so we discourage using it to submit proposals that don’t fall within funding guidelines. In this spirit, we aim to be transparent about what our grantmaking does not support.
Our grantmaking does not support advocacy and commissioned projects, educational initiatives and student projects, film schools, journalism tools and technology, and awards, scholarships, and endowment funds.