To design & launch Digital MOCA to engage a global audience by combining a historical archive with the experiences, artifacts & family histories that together tell the story of the Chinese in America


The Museum of Chinese in America

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Total Amount
Grant approval
$325,000 – April 2013
Approval date
April 2013
Start date
April 2013
End date
June 2016
Grant type
Arts, culture and media
Benefiting locations
United States


  • Our current program structure was established in 2018. For grants made between 2006-2018, where there was not a direct mapping from one of the previous program areas to the current structure, the “Other Grantmaking” label was applied. View the “topics” associated with these grants to better understand them.

    For more recent grants, this label indicates that the grant’s funding source was outside of a program’s budget. Some examples include our philanthropy and Good Neighbor Committee grants.

    Learn more about our grants database in the FAQs

Funding office